What if your medical records could follow you from doctor to specialist to hospital and always be complete, secure and easily shared? That’s the concept behind iShare Medical, a Kansas City based company that has grown with the assistance of the UMKC Small Business & Technology Development Center (SBTDC).
The company contracts with 23 federal government agencies, including Medicare, Medicaid, Indian Health Services and the Veteran’s Administration, to provide shared medical record exchanges. This eliminates the need for each health care provider to produce their own medical record for each patient by allowing all authorized providers to receive and update one file. The company is a fully accredited Direct Trust Anchor Healthcare Information Services Provider.
“We believe that securely sharing a person’s health information with their doctor will help reduce costs, improve care and outcomes, and ultimately save lives,” said Linda Van Horn, president and CEO of iShare Medical. “It’s really about getting the right information on the right patient to the right provider at the right time, every time.”
The SBTDC helped Van Horn develop and grow her business by providing business classes and advice. Van Horn has worked with Jill Meyer and Sally Williams, both SBTDC business consultants, to identify funding sources and implement a plan for growth. Specifically, Meyer introduced the company to SBIR/STTR grants and LaunchKC, and was Van Horn’s primary business consultant. Williams taught the Winning Federal Research Grants: SBIR/STTR Workshop, an introductory look at how to win up to $1.5 million in technology research funding from Small Business Initiative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) grants.
“As an entrepreneur, it is often hard to find someone that understands and can help provide good advice that can help scale your business,” Van Horn said. “Jill Meyer jumped in the trenches with us and helped us look at the big picture, strategize, develop and implement our business plan to grow our business. Best of all, she is dedicated to helping start-up businesses scale by imparting her wisdom.”
iShare Medical – Linda Van Horn 3150 Mercier, Suite 608A Kansas City, MO 816-249-2555 lvanhorn@isharemedical.com